donderdag 28 november 2013

[Tag] Sweater Weather

hi my loves!
Well, today I will do something new, my first tag.
So exited to do this, and i hope you'll like it, hihi.
I've planned to make a video about this tag, and write a blogpost, cause I think it's easy for you to read, or watch, it's all up to you! =)
So why did i choose this tag? I found it on youtube and on a lot of other blogs and thought: 'hmmmm, that'd be nice for my lovely readers.'
And by the way (the number of my followers is growing everyday) that makes me very happy!
I hope i can do some cooperations soon, hihi.
Then, tadaaaa, the sweater weather tag:

1: What's your favorite candle scent?

Hmmm i had to think about this one, i like kokos very much, but not in this time of the year.
I think i'll go for a mix of trea/wood scent and maybe honey? That sounds like a nice combination to me, haha, but never tried it. I do have some candles on my room but the don't smell nice, time to buy!

2: Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?

To be honoust, I don't like tea at all... Why? yeahh i just don't like it.
Then, the hot chocolate thing, sometimes i like it a lot, but sometimes i don't.
So the only warm drink solution is coffee, and i do like coffee, although I'm just a 15 year old girl, haha. If i start the day with a cup of coffee everything will be alright ;)

3: What's your best fall memory you have?

Watching nice movies, the fire place, everyone is inside and were all together, that sort of things.
I don't have one specific memory, just all the little things together makes it so nice!

4: Which make up trend do you prefer: winged eyeliner or dark lips?

I think that's an easy choise: dark lips!
A winged eyeliner could be nice in spring/summer as well and i think that dark lips are something for fall/winter time. I don't have a good dark lipstick, i do prefer to wear a red one this fall.
Also, because I have a lot of clothes who match with that colour.

5: Best fragrance for fall?

Well, as you guys might know, I don't know a lot about the whole beauty side of blogging.
Sometimes i post about y new make up, but that's it. So I don't have a lot of parfume as well, but if I had to choose from my own collection it would have 3 parfumes, cause i just can't choose, hihi.
The parfumes are named; Maroussia, Secret Potion from Christina Aguilera and so....? Eternal.
I think i wear Maroussia the most, and it fits the fall/winter theme the best with the dark read bottle.
I also like it cause my mom used t wear it when she was younger, I think that's great!

6: Best Thanksgiving food?

As you might know, I am grown up with a dutch culture, and in The Netherlands we never ever do something with Thanksgiving. I think that is a typical american feast.
What we do in Holland: in december we do a lot of gourmetting. I really like it and it's so much fun with the family!

7: What is autumn weather like where you live?

One word: cold!
It's already freezing here, with our 0 degrees there is no one outside any more!
In holland/germany it's alway a lot colder than la, haha, we have to wear a lot to keep ourselfes warm outside! Sometimes it's really terrible, haha, I think the dutch weathercast already expects snow..

8: Most worn sweater?

My very warm pink sweater from primark; i wear it in some outfit posts as well.
So if you're going to primark, buy a sweater like that cause the are super comfy!

9: Must have nail polish this season?

I like the dark purple one from essence! I also like a nude or blacl colour a lot!

10: Skinnie jeans or leggings?

Pffff definetely skinnie jeans, i actually don't wear legging right now, it's wayyyyyy too cold!

So I hope you enjoyed my tag and tell me if you want me to do some more!
A youtube video about this tag coming soon!
bye bye, lots of love, romy!

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Hat bestimmt Spaß gemacht all diese Fragen zu beantworten!
    Ich würde auch eher zu Skinnie Jeans tendieren.. vor allem jetzt im Winter. Außerdem sieht das bei manchen echt schrecklich aus :D

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Ui, einen wirklich sehr schönen Blog hast du! Ich mag deinen Header und dein Design wirklich sehr sehr gerne! Und der TAG ist ziemlich interessant :)

    Liebste Grüße,
    Grace <3

  3. coole Fragen und gute Antworten! Ich liebe es auch zusammen im Warmen Filme zu schauen :D

    LG Anna

  4. Schöner Tag. Ich liebe meine Kuschelupllis :)
    Liebst Irina

  5. Hach tolle Fragen und Antworten :) ich trage zur Zeit z.B. nur Thermostrumpfhosen :D

    Lg Christin

  6. Schöne FIlme schauen im Herbst, stimmt, das machen wir auch.
    Ich bin ja auch ein Kaffee trinker und deswegen stimme ich dir auch hier zu, obwohl ich auch Tee sehr gerne mag. Am liebsten English Breakfast Tea mit Vanillezucker und Milch <3
    Liebe Grüße

  7. Ich mag derzeit auch nur dunkel violetten Nagellack.
    LG Sofie von Generationcouture
