zondag 2 maart 2014

Bronze package from MyStyleHit

Hi dear people,

When I got home from my vacation yesterday, people told me that there was a package for me.
I didn't expect anything, so I was quite surprised! And I can't think of anything better then getting a letter or a package without expecting it. So.. I ran into my room and discovered this big box with the letters msh on it, that stands for mystylehit, a german blogger community. I was so happy when I discovered that it was my bronze package, cause I had that status for 3 months in a row! Unfortunately, I lost it this month, cause i really needed a break, but I'm working hard to get it back now. Mystylehit is a lovely, friendly community offering a lot of help for blogging, and it's very nice to talk with other bloggers on the forums. So, I want to thank MSH and all the bloggers who helped me out with all my questions.

But let's go on with the package, and ofcourse, what's in it? I took some pictures of it last night, on my slightly dirty eating table (sorry for that) and i'll show you, the most perfect items!

I really love the fact that the letter is hand-written, it gives a nice personal touch to it. And the MSH-team is abolutely right! The items match with my personality and fashion style. The bag is perfect for traveling, going to the schoolgym or just a normal shopping day. And then, face masks which I adore, it's really one of my addictions, i have to admit that, haha. Can't wait to put them on my face *smiles* And the thing that every teenage girl and ofcourse every woman loves: chocolate !! Thank you msh, guess I have to jog this afternoon, hihi. Then the beanie and croptop from H&M, the two masterpieces, as i call them. I've been loving cropped tops lately, but i couldn't afford anything like that (primark, I blame you), so i was very happy that it was gifted to me! The beanie looks nice with two braids, it gives a very edgy touch, love it!

So that was everything, hope you enjoyed it and please let me know what you think of the package, or tell me what you think of yours, if your on msh as well. Thanks to msh, once again. And lots of love from me!

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh wie cool gratuliere! Die packen aber auch immer tolle Dinge in das Überraschungspacket! <3

    Liebste Grüße aus Nürnberg

  2. Sieht cool aus :)

    LG Vera von http://daze-life.blogspot.de/

  3. Super cool, Gratulation :) Echt super süßes Sachen .)

    Liebe Grüße, Patty

  4. wow coole Sachen hast du bekommen! ICh hab mein Paket auch vor kurzem bekommen und habe mich sehr gefreut :)

    LG Anna

  5. Schöne Sachen :)

    LG Vera von http://daze-life.blogspot.de/

  6. Mega cool! Vor allem das Shirt find ich super ! ♥

    Liebe Grüße,

    Giveaway: gossengold, defshop & cw
