donderdag 27 november 2014

[Video] Kylie Jenner inspired make-up tutorial

Hi my lovely readers,

I've been working very hard for you, to upload a new video, and it's there!
Inpired by Kylie Jenner her make-up look, I bought a mac lipstick and lipliner (review will come online soon), and I thought, why can't I make my own version of the kylie jenner look? So I did.
Please do not forget this is my first beauty tutorial, and it was very hard to make everything work out.
As you can see, the lightning really sucks and makes my face look.. uh yeah.. which words shall I use to describe that? I've been planning on buying some stuff for that, but it's not that cheap, unfortunately.
If you didn't know my youtube channel, click here for the link.

I hope you've enjoyed my video, let me hear what you think of it and how I can improve my video skills.

Love, Romy

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Very pretty <3 You're such a beautiful girl!
    Sarah, Belle Mélange

  2. Hübsches Make-Up! Ich weiß genau, wie hart es ist das alles zu filmen und zu schneiden. Ich habe auch ein Make-Up Tutorial inspiriert von Kylie Jenner gemacht und es hat ewig gedauert, bis alles fertig war.
    Kannst stolz auf dich sein:)

    Liebe Grüße,
    Lisa Jasmin
